MeshSense Bluetooth Tips

Bluetooth can sometimes be tricky depending on firmware versions and client environment (Particularly Meshtastic firmware versions 2.4.0 and above). Below are some tips to help have the best chance at a successful connection!

1 - Ensure nothing is connected

After configuring your device using the mobile app or web interface, it is important to make sure the connection is no longer active so that the device will advertise it's bluetooth address. Select "None" in the (Android) mobile app or close the web-interface browser tab. MeshtasticNotConnected

2 - Restart the device

Although optional, restarting the node will ensure that any lingering connections are terminated and that it is ready to receive a clean new connection.

3 - Forget previously paired device

Some firmware versions and Operating Systems have been inconsistent depending on how the device is paired. For best results, it is recommended to unpair and forget the device from the MeshSense system and to pair the device during an active connection attempt instead of from system settings. RemoveBluetoothDevice

4 - Connect via MeshSense

When connecting via MeshSense, the device should appear in the bluetooth list. After selecting, a prompt to enter a pairing PIN should automatically appear. This pin should be displayed on your node's screen or is predetermined based on your device model. BluetoothAddADevice BluetoothEnterPin If the pin was entered incorrectly or the pairing window timed out, we have found restarting the node and reconnecting is most reliable in getting the dialog to reappear.

4B - Linux Tips

If Linux does not prompt for a pin, we have had success using the bluetoothctl utility to pair the device as using the system settings panel does not always work.
  • Launch bluetoothctl from a terminal.
  • If previously paired use remove followed by the device address to unpair and forget the device.
  • Run scan on and enter devices to list bluetooth addresses.
  • Use the pair command followed by the node address (tab-completable) to begin the pair operation.
  • connect followed by the address and disconnect should verify the connection.
  • Please also run scan off in order to prevent blocking MeshSense from running a scan.
  • If still stuck, try restarting the bluetooth system service.