Welcome to Affirmatech,
of N3FJP Software
and WXWarn!
Here at Affirmatech, we create and provide affordable, fun, easy to use software and services with courteous, friendly support. We think you'll find our software useful and intuitive, right from the start!
Flagship Products:
N3FJP Software

Our Amateur Radio software package includes over 120 individual programs for general logging and

Our severe weather monitoring software taps into the National Weather Service real time weather
data feed, constantly monitors NWS weather updates and displays just the alerts that are
important to you as they are issued.
HamDash is a real-time online scoreboard to view standings of Amateur Radio contests.
Amateur Exam Study Buddy

Amateur Exam Study Buddy is a free tool to help you quickly study questions in the Amateur Radio
exam question pools to obtain or upgrade your Amateur Radio license.

MeshSense is a simple, open-source application that monitors, maps
and graphically displays all the vital stats of your area's Meshtastic network including connected
nodes, signal reports, trace routes and more!
All of our software is free to try and fully functional
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We've been blessed to serve our growing user community since 1997 and Lord willing, this is just
the beginning!